Telegram Online Bot Tool Tutorial
Online Bot Tool Introduction
Access link:
Very simple, open and use directly. No registration needed.
This tool was originally created to make it easier for users in China to use, and it's a fairly feature-complete GUI tool for Telegram Bots.
Term Explanations
- Bot Token: The access token for the bot, obtainable when creating a bot. (Through conversation with @Botfather)
- Chat_id: The target for this message. Can be: person/group/channel. However, groups and channels need to add the bot and authorize it as admin; people need to have had a conversation with the bot. Obtainable through conversation with @GetTheirIDBot
- Message Type: Various types of messages. This tool is based on HTTP API, has limits, attachments should not exceed 50M.
- Message Content: Needs to use markdown syntax. If you prefer HTML... well... develop one yourself.
- Custom Message Buttons: Technically called inline buttons, also known as footer messages. This actually supports multiple formats, but this one-way non-listening online tool only supports the most common type: URL links. That is, when others click the button, it jumps to a link (can be a website or internal communication object, such as:
How to Use
Here's the simplest example: bot chatting with yourself
- Get a Bot Token
- Chat with this bot (send /start), obviously no response.
- Chat with @GetTheirIDBot. Get your own ID
- Open
- Fill in bot token / chat id (chat_id is what you got in step 3, your own id)
- Put in something random, click send.
- If all goes well, you received a bot message.
By the way, there are many ways to get chat_id. @GettheirIDBot is just a bot I wrote casually, it can get: user/group/channel IDs
Just try it out more.